The future's in the air. I can feel it everywhere. Blowing with the wind of change

By Mary P. Azemus - January 01, 2023

Hello lovelies. The new year has arrived, bringing new hopes for everyone. It's time to close our eyes for a second, and be grateful for this magnificent opportunity given: to start over another cycle. Pray for those who did not have this gift and ask God that we remain worthy. I wish you all a happy 2023, full of health and peace, much success and joy to all. Cheers ♥

Hair:  [LERONSO] HAIRBASE v3 for Lelutka EVO X - 1 + SSD. Bettie - Bang & Lips - LeLutka Rogue Bun (Old Hair)
Dress: DEAD DOLL - Yulia Gown - VIP Group GIft
Earrings: Badwolf - Chastisement Earrings
Tattoo: .: CORAZON:. Tattoo FREYA :.
Cigarette:  [ kunst ] - Cigarette & holder
Champagne Flute : No59 Planberger Champagne Silver

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